Key to the success of any building is it's performance at generating comfort. Whether its your workspace or your home, the internal climate has to be just right. Neither too hot, too cold, too humid or too dry. A goldylock's zone designed especially for you.
Choosing a heating and ventilation system is the most important step to creating an environment where you can work, rest or play. Leopardstown Construction can help you decide which systems to use, we can design and install them and we can have them running just right before you move in.
Choosing a heating and ventilation system is the most important step to creating an environment where you can work, rest or play. Leopardstown Construction can help you decide which systems to use, we can design and install them and we can have them running just right before you move in.
With the on-going increases in fuel prices and the growing concerns for the natural environment. more people are opting for mechanical ventilation with heat exchange (MVRH). This is the Passive House recommended system for controlling air quality and heating in today's buildings. The concept is really very simple: the clean cool air coming in is heated by the stale warm air going out. The technology has reached efficiency of 86% and the manufacturers systems are laboratory tested by the Passive House Institute in Darmstadt, Germany. Literally every component is scrutinised.... completely!
As a qualified tradesman in Passive House Building Systems, Angelo Babos is able to specify, design, install and balance all PH Certified systems.
Of course, the Passive House concept doesn't exclude the use of fuel, and therefore modern stoves are often important to PH designs. Calculating the dynamics of the integrated systems in your building is paramount at the planning stage and simplicity of controls ultimately makes your life even easier too.
Most buildings constructed to Passive House standard incorporate some element of solar power. Whether its Photovoltaic (PV) to supply electricity or Solar Thermal to heat water, both can reduce bills, reduce your carbon footprint and help with your BER. The amount and nature of solar contribution to your building's energy demand is your decision and, again, Angelo can help you decide.
The final configuration of your system depends on many factors including some of the above. Angelo has many years installing each component and now after Passive House instruction and with some straightforward maths, can deliver a total solution to all your specific needs.